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Children's Attractions in Kołobrzeg and its neighborhood

Kołobrzeg Rope Park
Is a set of attractions typical for such kinds of places. You can find detailed information: Here
Kołobrzeg Cinema
A relatively small building that is located on Łopuskiego Street, nearby the city center. You can find detailed information here.
Kołobrzeg Aqua park
if the weather fails and there is no possiblity to take a bath in the sea, one can always use the water attractions of the local aquapark.
The City of Mouse
The place is full of energy with approximately 500 mice placed inside. The interior of the museum is designed on the basis of a mouse nest. More information
Hidden Land in Kołobrzeg
An amazing place for children. The land is the only place in the world where the world of magic is so visible. We invite you to the website
Entertainment Park in Zieleniewo
is themed to a Western style, therefore you can ride a horse, visit an Indian Village or the town of "pale faces" or see rodeo shows. More at the park's website
Pomerania Fun Park
In the park the whole family will be able to spend a wonderful time having fun together. More information on the website Park Pomerania
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